Thank you to all that attended the 2022 Care Gala supporting Hospice Georgian Triangle! To

12th Annual fundraising event raises more than $176,000 for Hospice Georgian Triangle. The community oiled

Join the Hospice Georgian Triangle Board and contribute to the mission: “Excellent palliative care for

(May 2, 2022 Collingwood, Ontario) From May 1st – 7th , 2022, Hospice Georgian Triangle

Hospice Georgian Triangle is celebrating their 35th Anniversary this year of providing compassionate care in our

JACKPOT WINNER Sarah Pryce of Collingwood takes home OVER $9000!!!
hen Krista Bradley relocated to Collingwood, she knew she wanted to give back.
Buy some great gifts for the holidays AND support Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation!
Proceeds from the sale of these handmade ornaments support Hospice!