Widow(er) Lunch Group

The Georgian Bay Family Restaurant 401 Hume St, Collingwood, ontario, Canada

Widow(er) Lunch Group meets weekly at The Georgian Bay Family Restaurant at 12:30 on Mondays in the back area. All widows and widowers are welcome. Holidays excluded. This is also a drop-in style group so no need to register. Restaurant staff know about the group so speak to the host if unsure where to sit.

Coffee Support Group

Campbell House 240 Erie Street, Collingwood, ON, Canada

Hospice Georgian Triangle offers a grief support group over coffee. This casual group is open to anyone interested in connecting with others, while enjoying a coffee every Tuesday morning from 10 am to 11:00 am (not including statutory holidays). No need to register – just show up! For more info: Contact Taylor at mcintosht@hospicegeorgiantriangle.com or 705-444-2555 ext […]

Coffee Support Group

Campbell House 240 Erie Street, Collingwood, ON, Canada

Hospice Georgian Triangle offers a grief support group over coffee. This casual group is open to anyone interested in connecting with others, while enjoying a coffee every Tuesday morning from 10 am to 11:00 am (not including statutory holidays). No need to register – just show up! For more info: Contact Taylor at mcintosht@hospicegeorgiantriangle.com or 705-444-2555 ext […]