New programs aimed at helping kids & young adults with issues related to dying, death and loss

woman with short hair animating bright orange sloth puppet

We all know someone who has died.

So why are we so unprepared to deal with it, ourselves, never mind support friends, family, kids and acquaintances through it?

Because it’s a tough subject to tackle.

But that doesn’t mean we should ignore it.

People who are grieving need us to know what to say to them to show our sympathy. And kids, especially, need to hear from parents and guardians what death is in terms they can understand.

Enter Keri-Lyn…

That’s why Hospice Georgian Triangle recently hired Keri-Lyn Durant. She is there to help people, young and old, deal with grief and to provide support for those who have suffered a loss.

As she points out: “Death is a universal experience.” Still, too often we don’t know how to deal with it. Sometimes people want to protect children from unpleasant experiences, and therefore avoid talking about death with them. But, as Durant points out, if we are old enough to love, we are old enough to grieve.

Durant, an expert bilingual educator, applied theatre specialist and grief support worker, can help – especially with kids.

Durant holds a Certificate in Children’s Grief and Bereavement from SickKids Hospital and animates Phoebe the Sloth, a bright orange puppet, to help kids feel comfortable asking tough questions. Phoebe lets them take the lead.

New Program Offerings…

Whether you are dealing with grief or know someone who is now — or not — you can learn a lot from the drop-ins Hospice Georgian Triangle is holding with Durant. Here are some of the new programs we are holding:

  • Talk-It Tuesdays, an interactive drop-in café, is for youth aged 13 to 17 from 7 until 8 p.m., and for young adults aged 18 to 25 from 8 to 9 p.m.
  • Younger kids ages 5 to 12 can explore dying death and loss through interactive, therapeutic play every second Wednesday.
  • Hospice Georgian Triangle is also holding seminars for adults supporting kids through grief.

Attend a seminar and learn how to support your friends, family and acquaintances through grief – and to deal with it yourself.

Start with this one simple lesson from Durant: If you don’t know what to say to help someone through their grief, simply say that. It’s a start.

To learn more…

To learn more, please fill out the online form on this page or call 705.444.2555 ext. 7543 to speak to Keri-Lyn Durant, Community Grief Support Worker, Hospice Georgian Triangle, located in Collingwood, Ontario.

To donate to Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation…

These programs, like all services provided by Hospice Georgian Triangle, would not be possible without the generous support of our community. To donate, please visit this page or give Lisa from our Foundation a call today at 705.444.2555 ext. 7527.


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