Kiwanis Club supports our new children and youth programs!

Kiwanis Club donates $500 to Hospice Georgian Triangle

Kiwanis is a group dedicated to improving the lives of children. Hospice Georgian Triangle recently launched new programs geared at supporting young people with loss.

Enter Bill Nicholson of the Kiwanis Club of South Georgian Bay.

Recently Bill, along with Club Secretary Martha Maguire, delivered a $500 cheque to the Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation, earmarked specifically for our new children and youth programs. Support for children and youth dealing with death, dying, and loss is needed now more than ever.

This is why earlier this year, Keri-Lyn Durant was brought onto the Hospice Georgian Triangle team! She is there to help people, young and old, deal with grief and to provide support for those who have suffered a loss.

As she points out: “Death is a universal experience.” Still, too often we don’t know how to deal with it. Sometimes people want to protect children from unpleasant experiences, and therefore avoid talking about death with them. But, as Durant points out:

If we are old enough to love, we are old enough to grieve.

Durant, an expert bilingual educator, applied theatre specialist and grief support worker, can help – especially with kids. Durant holds a Certificate in Children’s Grief and Bereavement from SickKids Hospital and animates Phoebe the Sloth, a bright orange puppet, to help kids feel comfortable asking tough questions. Phoebe lets them take the lead.

If you are interested in supporting the Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation, you can donate online CLICK HERE or by phone 705-444-2555 ext. 7527.



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