June 2021

May 2021

March 2021

New Home for Hospice Georgian Triangle’s Community Support Programs Now Open!


The Ontario Trillium Foundation has given Hospice Georgian Triangle a $150,000 Resilient Communities Fund grant to help face the challenges brought on by COVID-19 by re-imagining how to best support its community in this unprecedented time of need.

New Home for Hospice Georgian Triangle’s Community Support Programs Now Open!2021-03-16T18:47:12+00:00

CGMH Wellness Innovation Fund


These funds from the CGMH Wellness Innovation Fund will be used to help establish our new community support programs for both grief and bereavement support specifically for children and youth as well as a new, Palliative Pain & Symptom Management Clinic at 186 Hurontario Street, unit 103 in Collingwood.

CGMH Wellness Innovation Fund2021-03-09T14:32:51+00:00

February 2021

It truly does “take a Village”


Hospice Georgian Triangle is very grateful to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for a $10,000 grant that will provide some of the supplies and materials required to support the mental health of grieving and bereaved children and youth.

It truly does “take a Village”2021-03-09T14:34:35+00:00

December 2020

October 2020

A big thank you to our sponsors, supporters, staff and volunteers.


It’s been quite a year, to say the least. Throughout it our wonderful Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation staff keeps on pivoting, changing and adapting to face the challenges of fundraising in the midst of a global pandemic.

A big thank you to our sponsors, supporters, staff and volunteers.2021-02-04T23:28:30+00:00