National Hospice Palliative Care Week 2022

(May 2, 2022 Collingwood, Ontario) From May 1st – 7th , 2022, Hospice Georgian Triangle and the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) are honouring National Hospice Palliative Care Week. We are celebrating the […]
Hospice Georgian Triangle and Hike & Bike on INFO Simcoe!
Hospice Georgian Triangle is celebrating their 35th Anniversary this year of providing compassionate care in our community! Trish Rawn (Executive Director, Hospice Georgian Triangle) and Sandra Sullivan (Executive Director, The Hospice […]
Hospice Georgian Triangle Seeks Volunteers for the Board of Directors

Join the Hospice Georgian Triangle Board and contribute to the mission: “Excellent palliative care for all.” The Board supports staff and trained volunteers in providing exceptional supportive care in the […]
Hike & Bike for Hospice Georgian Triangle is a success!

12th Annual fundraising event raises more than $176,000 for Hospice Georgian Triangle. The community oiled their bike chains and pulled on their hiking shoes on sunny Sunday May 29th in […]
William’s angels

Typically William visits each patient, as well as the staff, handing out angels to all.
Happy Holidays from Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
A way of remembering

At the changing of every season, Ellen Oelbaum visits Campbell House, to make sure the entrance is welcoming and beautiful.
Magic of Christmas Holiday Raffle in support of Hospice!

A HUGE thank you to Sandra and the entire team at Living Shore Spa for this generous fundraiser!
Holiday Ornaments in support of Hospice!

Proceeds from the sale of these handmade ornaments support Hospice!
Pampered Chef Virtual Party in Support of Hospice!

Buy some great gifts for the holidays AND support Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation!