Why I volunteer – Marti Milks

Marti Milks Volunteer

I am so fortunate and grateful to be able to volunteer in such an amazing environment. Working in Residential, I am so lucky to work with the nursing, and PSW staff who so beautifully teach me how to help our patients, and at the same time have an incredible sense of humour. They love what they do, are good at it, and help so many on their final journey, and are a blessing to their families. The support and encouragement I receive from the support staff expands my knowledge and I never stop learning from them.

I lost my mom, sister and brother, all within a short period of time, and the kindness I received precipitated my wanting to give back. Every time I step through that front door, I get so much more back than I can ever give. People ask me, “how can you work there”, and I tell them every time… it’s such a beautiful place.

Thank you Campbell House for letting me be part of this wonderful family.

Marti Milks, Hospice Georgian Triangle Volunteer


Grief counseling and support groups now available at Hospice Georgian Triangle Have you lost a

Dianne Rinehart is a journalist and journalism instructor at the University of Guelph-Humber. She is