Why I volunteer – Lorie Ring

Lori Ring Michael Dyer Volunteer PSW

I lost my sister to breast cancer when she was only 37 years old. She passed away in a hospice in Winnipeg. I was living in Toronto at the time, and was only able to see her in difficult hospital settings. I did not get to be with her in her final days.

But my family, including my parents, her husband, her young children and my other sisters, simply raved about the hospice experience they were able to benefit from. That is why I volunteer for Hospice Georgian Triangle.

I believe that every family should have access to the loving and blessed experience of hospice and palliative care at the end of life. It is a deep privilege to be of service to other families as they say their good-byes to the ones they love.

Lorie Ring, Hospice Georgian Triangle Volunteer


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