We are expanding!

186 Hurontario Street

Covid-19 presented many challenges for charities and Hospice Georgian Triangle is no exception. We’re limited in space and our current offices do not allow for physical distancing. The need for offsite space was made obvious by the pandemic.

New location, expanding services

With the expansion to our new location at 186 Hurontario St., Collingwood, Hospice Georgian Triangle’s Community Support Services are growing to help address the issue of social isolation of our seniors and vulnerable population. When Public Health restrictions allow, this new location will make it possible to continue services with physical-distancing requirements in place. Also, it will provide space to grow our current services including one-on-one and small group counselling and will allow us to begin new children and youth grief and bereavement programs and a new palliative pain and symptom management clinic. Our Foundation will also be located at this new location. Phone numbers and extensions will remain the same from Campbell House.

Campbell House

At our inpatient location, Campbell House, we’re working to ensure patients and families can still visit safely and provide a safe working environment for staff and volunteers (when volunteers are allowed back). The high level of care and compassion from our exceptional team is still experienced at Campbell House.

Thanks to Ontario Trillium Foundation

We’re grateful to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for the grant that allows us to equip and staff these new programs, to The Audrey and Donald Campbell Family Foundation for assisting with leasehold improvements, and to you, our community, for helping to make our new location with expanded services possible.

Ontario Trillium Foundation Government


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Regional healthcare partners (left to right) Donna Kearney, Executive Director, Hospice Muskoka; Trish Rawn, Chief

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