Palliative respite care program by Hospice Georgian Triangle deemed a success

Patient Suite at Campbell House

June 2, 2021- COLLINGWOOD — Hospice Georgian Triangle offers a palliative respite care program aimed to keep people out of emergency rooms and to support caregivers struggling with burn out from providing care to their loved ones 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This palliative respite care program was available last March 2020, and since then 25 individuals and their caregivers have benefitted. Trish Rawn, Executive Director of Hospice Georgian Triangle, says, “Helping 25 people and their caregivers in a pandemic with changing restrictions, is a success. Last month, we had five people benefit and we know the demand will grow.”

This palliative respite care is a new regional program of North Simcoe Muskoka and is relatively unique in Ontario. It’s intended for people who have a life expectancy of six months or less and may require short-term assistance with pain and symptom management or their caregivers require a much needed rest from taking care of their loved ones. The palliative care program is for short-term stays up to 10 days.

“Eligibility is for individuals whose life expectancy is six months or less, and the focus is on quality and comfort care, not curative care.” She adds, “Individuals must also have a palliative care plan that  Allows Natural Death and a signed Do Not Resuscitate (DNR order). As well, the person must have a place/home to return to after their palliative respite stay at Hospice Georgian Triangle,” says Rawn.

Rawn continues to explain, “Individuals need to go through the referral process provided by Home and Community Care. This referral can be requested by any care provider, family or friend by contacting the Home and Community Care Client Care Coordinator at 705-721-8010. Interested people can also contact Hospice Georgian Triangle directly and speak with the Clinical Care Lead at 705-444-2555.” Once the referral is processed and there’s space available, the individual can come stay at Campbell House, run by Hospice Georgian Triangle, which has fully-furnished suites. 

There is no cost to the individual or family for palliative respite care. Hospice Georgian Triangle receives about 50% funding through the Ministry of Health and Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation raises the rest of the money through donations, planned giving, and special events.

Hospice Georgian Triangle serves the vibrant and growing communities of Collingwood, The Town of Blue Mountains, Clearview and Wasaga Beach.

To learn more about this program: click here.

Patient Suite at Hospice Georgian Triangle’s Campbell House, of which each is outfitted with a murphy bed for overnight guests and a birdfeeder outside each window.
Patient Suite at Hospice Georgian Triangle’s Campbell House, of which each is outfitted with a murphy bed for overnight guests and a birdfeeder outside each window.


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