Local realtor donates a portion of commission to Hospice Georgian Triangle!

cheque presentation in front of store front

When Krista Bradley relocated to The Blue Mountains, it was important that she give back to her new community. She began volunteering at Hospice Georgian Triangle, helping on both the Care Gala Committee as well as the Corporate Sponsorship Committee.

Leaving her corporate job behind and following her passion to work full time in real estate, Krista began working at Century 21 Millennium Inc. and decided that she would donate a portion of every single commission cheque she received to Hospice Georgian Triangle. And here is a picture of Krista dropping off one of those cheques!

So a HUGE shout out to Krista! She may be new to our community, but she has made a huge impression on the Hospice family here. Thank you Krista… our community is lucky to have you 👊

To donate to Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation…

These programs, like all services provided by Hospice Georgian Triangle, would not be possible without the generous support of our community. To donate, please visit this page or give Lisa from our Foundation a call today at 705.444.2555 ext. 7527.


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