Local Businesses: Support Hospice Georgian Triangle

Local Businesses! We need you!

Show clients, customers, and employees your company supports our local community

Hospice Georgian Triangle is introducing new initiatives to help purpose-driven businesses support community members facing life and death circumstances. Your company can support the programs and services provided to those living with life-limiting illnesses, their families, and caregivers through a partnership with Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation.

Hospice Georgian Triangle helps those live with dignity and supports loved ones with grief and bereavement programs after the death of their loved one. This makes a difference with some of the hardest realities of life – dying, seeing someone you love die, how to cope with grief and bereavement.

There are many ways to support Hospice Georgian Triangle and show the compassion of your organization.

  • Corporate Giving Program
    Companies show their leadership in philanthropy by giving a gift to Hospice Georgian Triangle. This directly helps provide exceptional palliative care and community support programs at no charge to patients and loved ones.
  • Employee Giving + Volunteerism
    Companies who have employee-giving programs or encourage them to volunteer in the community can see an increase in employee engagement.
  • Cause-Related Marketing
    The Foundation offers an innovative fundraising partnership that allows businesses to help raise awareness of Hospice Georgian Triangle and the impact of contributions on patient care and community programming.
  • Event Sponsorship
    Companies increase their visibility in the community and access to new customers through sponsoring an event or program at Hospice Georgian Triangle.

Hospice Georgian Triangle serves the communities of Clearview Township, Collingwood, The Towns of Blue Mountain and Wasaga Beach. Hospice Georgian Triangle’s large geographical area allows them to widely share and promote corporate support.

Hospice Georgian Triangle provides compassionate care in the home and at Campbell House for individuals and families dealing with life limiting illness. Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation supports this important work with donations from the community. With your help, we’re able to continue to provide exceptional community programming and services at no cost.


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