Hospice Georgian Triangle Recognizes Volunteer Barbara Ibbitson

Meet Barbara Ibbitson, a June Callwood volunteer award winner recognized by Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HCPO).

Ibbitson attended the June Callwood Awards Luncheon hosted at the annual conference of HPCO held on Sunday April 24 where she was recognized and received a letter of congratulations from HPCO.

Hospice Georgian Triangle nominated Barbara Ibbitson for this prestigious honour of being inducted into the June Callwood Circle of Outstanding Volunteers Awards. Ibbitson has volunteered at Campbell House in the kitchen as a ‘Kitchen Angel’ and with the community support team making home visits to palliative patients.

“Barbara has been an outstanding community volunteer for three years at Hospice Georgian Triangle. She has shown flexibility, patience and true compassion to her clients through the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Jennifer Kerr, Community Support Worker Programs and Volunteers.

“Barbara has never once complained about the challenges she faced through the last two years during restrictions put in place because of the pandemic and continued to show dedication in the community. It is an honour to have her on our team,” says Kerr.

“I am humbled to be selected for this award. At the same time, I am honoured to be in the company of so many amazing volunteers at Hospice Georgian Triangle,” says Ibbitson.

Ibbitson adds, “I am passionate about helping people find more peace in their lives. I believe in the fair treatment of all members of society and hope through my volunteer work I help all those in need. I have always depended on my sense of humour, combined with a heavy dose of gratitude and positivity to encourage others and be there for them.”

Hospice Georgian Triangle has more than 100 volunteers that gave over 8,625 hours of service this year. National Volunteer Week is April 23-30 and hospice celebrates “Empathy in Action” by honouring all those who volunteer their time with Hospice Georgian Triangle whether it’s at Campbell House, in the community or involvement with the Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation.

HCPO annually invites all hospices in Ontario to nominate one volunteer who exemplifies the spirit of hospice. The HPCO criteria for nomination includes selfless service, generosity of spirit, compassion and commitment to excellence as a volunteer.

Hospice Georgian Triangle provides compassionate care in the home and at Campbell House for individuals and families dealing with life-limiting illness living in the communities of Collingwood, Clearview Township, The Town of Blue Mountains, and Wasaga Beach.

Did you know hospice palliative care and community programs come at no cost to the user and focuses on the physical and emotional needs of both the patient and family, enhancing quality of life?

The Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation needs donations from the southern Georgian Bay community to fund more than 50 per cent of hospice palliative care and to provide the level of programming, especially grief and bereavement counselling, child support groups and pain and symptom management programs. For more information visit www.hgtfoundation.com or call 705-444-2555.

Media Contact:
Trish Rawn, Executive Director
Hospice Georgian Triangle
705-444-2555 ext. 7520 I rawnt@hospicegeorgiantriangle.com

Sandra Sullivan, Executive Director
Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation
705-444-2555 ext. 7521 | SullivanS@HospiceGeorgianTriangle.com


Grief counseling and support groups now available at Hospice Georgian Triangle Have you lost a

Dianne Rinehart is a journalist and journalism instructor at the University of Guelph-Humber. She is