Happy Holidays from Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation

happy holidays

To our dear Community,

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

Mr. Rogers

When I first walked into Hospice Georgian Triangle’s Campbell House, I was reminded of this quote by Fred Rogers. Many people don’t know what Hospice is until they experience palliative or respite care of a family member or loved one. I personally experienced it this past year, for the first time.

At Hospice Georgian Triangle, you see the helpers. They are the volunteers with a comforting smile and a warm freshly baked cookie. They are clinical staff members who provide exceptional compassionate care, but still take the time to hold your hand. They are the administrative team and back of house staff that makes sure everything runs efficiently. They are the community support team members who provide guidance through the grieving process. Even the resident sloth, Phoebe the puppet, helps children speak when no words can express their difficult emotions. You can meet Pheobe here.

Thank you for helping

Thanks to your generosity this year, we at Hospice Georgian Triangle were able to continue important work and expand our reach in the community despite the ongoing pandemic. We were able to open a new home for community programs and a clinic for pain and symptom management on Hurontario Street in downtown Collingwood to address the increased need.

Thank you for helping us this year by giving a gift, attending an event, purchasing a 50/50 ticket, volunteering and spreading the message of Hospice Georgian Triangle to friends, family, neighbours and co-workers. Thank you to the many local businesses and corporate partners that continuously support and give back.

It’s not too late

If you have been intending to make a donation before the end of year, it’s not too late! Make a donation today.

On a personal note

Personally, I would like to thank our Board of Directors and staff at Hospice Georgian Triangle Foundation. Since my first day in September, they have been incredible in their help, guidance, support, hard-work, and dedication. They have become cherished colleagues and valued new friends.

To everyone in our wonderful communities of Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, The Town of Blue Mountains, and Clearview Township have a safe and happy holiday season and best wishes for 2022.

Warm regards,


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