May 2021

Top cap off Nurses Week, meet some of our PSWs!


I chose to be a PSW as I have always been interested in palliative care. In the 1980’s I spent time with friends who were at Casey House hospice in Toronto. Casey House was dedicated to men who had AIDS and whose families rejected them because they were opposed to their lifestyle.

Top cap off Nurses Week, meet some of our PSWs!2021-05-14T21:02:50+00:00

Trish Rawn officially becomes ED!


Trish joined Hospice Georgian Triangle in July 2019 as Interim Executive Director. She has an extensive background with 20 years experience in palliative care and more than 25 years in healthcare in the Collingwood area.

Trish Rawn officially becomes ED!2021-05-08T15:32:54+00:00